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-->The MONTREAL HIGH LIGHTS Festival presented by Hydro-Québec has firmly established itself as the city's urban winter event par excellence, and Montrealers can't get enough this wonderful winter stuff! And among the many reasons for this outburst of joy in the heart of winter, look no further than the BMO Bank of Montreal Celebration of Light, the perfect antidote to the winter blahs!
February puts on a fresh face with a host of new attractions, the most important being the newest expansion of the site itself to include the Place des Festivals: alongside Old Montreal and the Quays of the Old Port, the heart of the Celebration of Light, this new playground greatly expands the parameters of the Festival... and bigger is better, in every sense!
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The question of life and death is an ineffable phrase, almost impossibe to grasp. People face it every second and it is always painful for someone. Even more, if you are a parent and you outlive your own child. Or if it is likely to happen. The film Otec (Father) is a spiritual drama about an ordinary man, who is losing his only child. The story tells us about useless conflicts in our lives, and shows the depth of human soul.
La questione della vita e della morte è una frase ineffabile, quasi impossibe da afferrare. La gente lo fa ogni secondo ed è sempre doloroso per qualcuno. Ancor più se siete fra i genitori che sopravvivono al proprio figlio. O se è probabile che accada. Il film Otec (Padre) è un dramma spirituale di un uomo ordinario, che sta perdendo la sua unica figlia. La storia ci racconta i conflitti inutili nella nostra vita, e mostra la profondità dell'animo umano.
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Gianluigi Filippelli
Laurea e PhD in Fisica.
Argomenti Correlati
Scheda su Research Bloggingddl gelmini, mario bonato, onda, precari, ricerca, università
e poi parlano della fuga dei cervelli
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